A. Definition of corruption
Corruption comes from the Latin, meaning corruptio-corrumpere rotten, damaged, destabilizing, twisting or bribe. According to Indonesian dictionary, corruption is the misuse or abuse of state funds (corporate, etc.) for personal gain or anyone else. While corruption by Huntington (1968) is the behavior of public officials who deviate from the norms accepted by society, and deviant behavior is addressed in order to satisfy personal interests.
Corruption is the main enemy that fought in this country if you want to improve towards better governance and transparency for the general welfare of its people. As Peter Drucker said figures that there is no poor country, that there was mismanagement of the country, precisely when reflecting on what happened in Indonesia. Mismanagement of this country with corruption, where leaders are supposed to manage the resources of this country to promote the general welfare, even corrupt use his power for personal interests and the group ultimately hurt the interests of society.
In Islam perspective of corruption can be classified as ghulul the actions of the mandate given position but that should not take advantage of the post. As in the hadith: the history of Buraidah, the Prophet also emphasized ghulul meaning, he said, "Whoever we've assigned to a job, then we set the remuneration (salary) for him, so what he took out of it was a treasure ghulul (corruption). "(Narrated by Abu Daud). As well as in the Hadith narrated by Adi bin Amirah al-Kindi, the Prophet said, "Whoever among you that we assign to a job (business), and then he hid from us a needle or more than that, then it is ghulul (treasure corruption) who will he take it on the Day of Resurrection. "That's the proof in the perspective of religion, corruption does not get to the place and is a violation of religious norms (sin). These things would also be found in the teachings of other religions, which is clearly contrary to the universal corruption.
B. Quran verses on Corruption
1. Q. S. Al Baqarah verse 42
Ÿwur (#qÝ¡Î6ù=s? Yysø9$# È@ÏÜ»t7ø9$$Î/ (#qãKçGõ3s?ur ¨,ysø9$# öNçFRr&ur tbqçHs>÷ès? ÇÍËÈ
"And do not confuse that right with a false and do not hide that it's right, you're Knowing."
2. Q.S. Al Baqarah verse 188
Ÿwur (#þqè=ä.ù's? Nä3s9ºuqøBr& Nä3oY÷t/ È@ÏÜ»t6ø9$$Î/ (#qä9ô‰è?ur !$ygÎ/ ’n<Î) ÏQ$¤6çtø:$# (#qè=à2ù'tGÏ9 $Z)ƒÌsù ô`ÏiB ÉAºuqøBr& Ĩ$¨Y9$# ÉOøOM}$$Î/ óOçFRr&ur tbqßJn=÷ès? ÇÊÑÑÈ
"And do not some of you take care of others possessions among you with a false path and (do not) you take (the affairs of) the treasure to the judge, so that you can take part than another person's property with (the act) sin, whereas You Know. "
3. Q.S. Ali Imran verse 161
$tBur tb%x. @cÓÉ<oYÏ9 br& ¨@äótƒ 4 `tBur ö@è=øótƒ ÏNù'tƒ $yJÎ/ ¨@xî tPöqtƒ ÏpyJ»uŠÉ)ø9$# 4 §NèO 4’¯ûuqè? ‘@à2 <§øÿtR $¨B ôMt6|¡x. öNèdur Ÿw tbqßJn=ôàムÇÊÏÊÈ
"There may be a prophet of treason in the affairs of the spoils of war. he who defected in the affairs of the war booty, then on the Day of Resurrection he will come take what betrayal be it, then every soul will be recompensed according to what he was doing with (retaliation) accordingly, are they not persecuted. "
Paragraph above shows about to sincere morals nubuwwah and apostles, to be the central point of guidance to knit attitude of trust, prohibition act of corruption, reminiscent of reckoning, and will be treated to perfect each person for his actions without the slightest tyrannized and prohibitions to hide the right possession others for personal or group interests.
C. Corruption in the Perspective of Psychological Theory
1. Gone theory
According to Jack Bologne, there are four root causes of corruption: Greed, Opportunity, Need, exposes. Related Greed greed greed and corruption actors. Corruptor is a person who is not satisfied with the situation himself. Got a mountain of gold, desiring had another golden mountain. Has a myriad of treasures, want to have a private island. Opportunity linked to a system that gives pit of corruption. Untidy control system, which allows a person to work carelessly. Deviations arise easily. At the same time, the system is not strict supervision. People easily manipulate numbers. Cheat free. Wide open to corruption. Need relate to mental attitude is never enough, full of attitude consumerism, and always full of needs that never ended. Exposes the penalties associated with lower corruption. Penalties are not deterring the offender and others. Deterrence effect is minimal.
2. Theory of Psychoanalysis
Sigmund Freud was the founder of Psychoanalysis. suspects facing corruption problem will take a look through the lens of psychoanalysis, particularly the concept of defense mechanism or coping mechanisms. As we know, Freud as the father of psychoanalysis has a concept id, ego, and super ego. Id is a biological aspect and an original system, Id contains things innate (biological elements), sexual libido, as well as organisms instincts. The ego is the psychological aspect because the need for synchronization (gateway) between the needs of Id with the external world of reality. The ego is the reality principle objective world. While the Superego is a Sociological aspects of traditional values as interpreted parents to their children in the form of command-prohibition, reward-punishment, good and bad. Super Ego is the principle of internalisation of environmental norms that seek to suppress the urge Id.
Someone will last a whole by blocking the impulses or urges downsizing into a more acceptable form of conception and not too threatening. This method is called self defense mechanisms or defense mechanisms of the ego / Ego Defense Mechanism. There are several forms of defense mechanism that Freud expressed include:
a. Identification: How to reduce the voltage to emulate (imitate) or identify with people who are considered more successful in satisfying his desires than him.
b. Displacements: When an object is selected by the original kateksis instinct can not be achieved because there are external obstacles (social, natural) or from within (antikateksis), it's instinct or ego direpres back keketidaksadaran kateksis new offer, which means the removal of such energy from one object to Other objects, to find an object that can reduce stress.
c. Repression: repression is a process wear ego anticathexes power to suppress all things (ideas, instinct, memory, mind) which can cause anxiety out of consciousness.
d. Fixation and Regression: Fixation is the cessation of normal development at specific developmental stages is very difficult because of subsequent developments giving rise to frustration and anxiety is too strong.
e. Reaction Formation: defensive action by replacing impulses or feelings that cause anxiety to the impulse or feeling opponent / opposite in consciousness.
f. Projection: Projec-tivity is a mechanism to change neurotic anxiety / anxiety moral being realistic, by throwing internal impulses that threaten transferred to objects outside, so it seems it terprojeksi threat of an external object to oneself.
3. Learning Theory Approach
This approach has the idea that behavior is largely determined by what they have learned previously. In some situations, people learn behaviors as habits. If a situation when he came back, then it will behave like what he had learned. This approach is popular in th 1920s, and became the basis of behaviorism, the main supporters of Pavlov, and JB Watson, Clark Hull and then B.F. Skinner. There are three mechanisms of learning, namely:
a) The Association, or better known as classical conditioning. Pavlov's dog to associate the bell with the meat.
b) Reinforcement; person displays behavior because learning with something fun, (and vice versa)
c) Imitation; Many times someone studying the attitudes and behaviors by imitating the attitude and behavior of people who become models.
Learning approach has three characteristics, namely:
a) The causes lie in the behavior of individual learning experiences in the past.
b) Placing the source behavior in the external environment, rather than on the individual's subjective interpretation of what happened.
c) learning approach, to explain the behavior of a real, not a subjective state / certain psychological.
4. Cognitive Theory Approach
Her principle, person's behavior depends on their perceptions of social situations, and social perceptions of law similar to the law of object perception. People organize perceptions, thoughts and beliefs about social situations into simple and meaningful form (as is done on the object). Organizing (perception and cognition environment) it mepengaruhi our behavior in social situations. Basic principles:
a. Cognitively, people tend mengkelompokkan objects on the basis of the principle of similarity, proximity, and experience.
b. Cognitively, people tend to pay attention (interest) on something that is striking (figure), a colorful, moving, silent, unique and antique.
c. Cognitive people tend to interrupt the interpretation of obscure aspects of the self, (goals, motives, attitudes, personality traits, feelings, etc.). This interpretation is an implication of how observing other people and social situations.
Interpretation and organization of cognitive processes is very important (in this context), because it is a way of observing the implications of other people and social situations. On the basis of interpretation and cognitive organoisasi ditas, Anton react shoot. Cognitive theory emphasizes two things:
1. Focus on interpretation (perceptual organization) about the current state is not a state of the past.
2. The causes of behavior lies in the perception (interpretation) of the individuals of the situation, rather than on the reality of his own situation.
D. Analysis of Corruption
Analysis of corruption based on the above theories. Having explained the theories concerning about corruption, can be analyzed as follows:
In the case of official corruption lately in learning theory approach, these officials take action because she also learned from an experience or from what he had seen or events that never happened. For example, in the case of bribery, bribe officials who have likely never seen his boss he did bribe in others, so it will be the experience itself to pay bribes to other people because he saw his boss did not get a bad thing when doing a bribe.
Based on cognitive theory, corrupt officials currently have no guilt at all, giving rise to that corruption is commonplace in public perception. So when this corruption is a reasonable thing to do because of the social situation that is created today makes corruption is a common problem on the officials. In cognitive theory emphasizes two things that can analyze about acts of corruption that is how corruption was done because it needs now to enrich himself without seeing the state of her past. So that could be used that he is a good person, but because of the chance that he could get him to corruption because of the position he is currently profitable. Corruption and how to interpret a situation (at the time) is important, rather than what the actual situation was. So the time thought it would never pass for corruption.
Based on cognitive theory, corrupt officials currently have no guilt at all, giving rise to that corruption is commonplace in public perception. So when this corruption is a reasonable thing to do because of the social situation that is created today makes corruption is a common problem on the officials. In cognitive theory emphasizes two things that can analyze about acts of corruption that is how corruption was done because it needs now to enrich himself without seeing the state of her past. So that could be used that he is a good person, but because of the chance that he could get him to corruption because of the position he is currently profitable. Corruption and how to interpret a situation (at the time) is important, rather than what the actual situation was. So the time thought it would never pass for corruption.
Four root problems in the theory above is a major obstacle Gone corruption. But, from the fourth root of the problem of corruption was, for me, the center of everything is greedy and greedy attitude. Failing system is not necessarily to make the corruption. Urgent need not necessarily encourage corruption. Low penalties for perpetrators of corruption are not necessarily inspired to make other people involved corruption. In short, corrupt behavior stems from an acute greedy attitude. The existence of gluttony and greed matchless. Corruption, cause there are people who are plentiful, there are depleted, there is a thriving, there is humiliation, there is eroding, there are depleted. Corruption parallel with greedy attitude.
In view of the theory of Psychoanalysis, the perpetrator who had been so overwhelmed with corruption, id, superego world who have internalized superego judgment and also the pressure to perform in public and lead to feeling threatened sandwiched called anxiety (anxiety), as a signal to the ego that was in danger and trying to stay afloat. The guilt came after the suspect appeared in the public space can encourage corruption suspects to try to improve her image in the public eye, and in the eyes of religion by strengthening the religious values that have been internalized in him. How's the imaging mechanisms of psychological rather than purely for reasons of religious values made visible to the defendant under a theory of psychoanalysis.
Corruption with this concept can be explained as an id impulse to satisfy his desire in this corruption. Superego form of religion and law are preventing the occurrence of corrupt conduct. My energy will increase as the stimulus (impulse) which cause tension or unpleasant experiences and mastered the Ego to act concretely in meeting the stimulus as soon as possible. Super ego on the other hand opposes and seeks to master the ego that does not meet the desire of the id because it does not fit with the ideal conception.
Furthermore how the behavior of religious imagery is a solution to the problem currently facing graft suspect we will see through the lens of psychoanalysis, particularly the concept of defense mechanism, or the mechanism of reaction formation persist, when defensive action is done by replacing the ego impulses or feelings that cause anxiety to the impulse or feeling opponent / opposite in consciousness. This we can realize that corruption is an act against the law and contrary to norms of religion (sin) is what creates anxiety for the suspects because of the threat that comes from the world of moral superego (the norms of religion and society), then the pressure to reduce corruption suspects do defense mechanism by replacing the sinful impulses that cause anxiety that the behavior of the opposite of pious and religious are indicated with religious symbols, attitudes, words, rituals, and so forth.
Besides the embarrassment caused emotional guilt was likely also causing the suspect chose to use the symbol of the religion (Islam) which is accompanied by a form of hijab or niqab face coverings. This could dipahamai that covers the face is a natural response to someone who feels embarrassed.
E. Corruption Case

Malinda Dee, a suspect case of embezzlement of Citibank priority appears to have 30 accounts. Search results Center for Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis Center (INTRAC), it accounts scattered across eight banks and two insurance companies.
INTRAC head, Yunus Husein, ensuring that this case in the category of money laundering. "There must laundering, Malinda mode that takes money from people's accounts," said Yunus in office INTRAC, Jakarta Wednesday, April 13, 2011.
According to Yunus, when categorized as money laundering, former action vice president of Citibank's Relationship violating Law No. 8 of 2010 on the Prevention and Combating of Money Laundering.
INTRAC head, Yunus Husein, ensuring that this case in the category of money laundering. "There must laundering, Malinda mode that takes money from people's accounts," said Yunus in office INTRAC, Jakarta Wednesday, April 13, 2011.
According to Yunus, when categorized as money laundering, former action vice president of Citibank's Relationship violating Law No. 8 of 2010 on the Prevention and Combating of Money Laundering.
INTRAC can actually freeze the transaction proceeds of crime, including 30 accounts belonging to Malinda it. Condition, INTRAC must ask permission to Bank Indonesia. Therefore, it is related to the provision of customer confidentiality. "The mechanism is through BI," said Head of Public Relations BI, Difi A Johansyah when contacted on Wednesday.
Unfortunately, Difi said, Bank Indonesia has so far not received a request blocking of INTRAC. "Currently, not yet. We leave it to the authorities," he said.
According to Difi, Bank Indonesia did not know exactly where the banks are shaded Malinda account. However, the central bank is ready to exchange information with local authorities to resolve the case of alleged embezzlement of Citibank customer funds this. "We also had discussions with Crime," he said.
According to Difi, Bank Indonesia did not know exactly where the banks are shaded Malinda account. However, the central bank is ready to exchange information with local authorities to resolve the case of alleged embezzlement of Citibank customer funds this. "We also had discussions with Crime," he said.
Regarding two insurance accounts - from account 30 Malinda, 28 bank accounts and two accounts of insurance, the Head of the Insurance Bureau of Capital Market Supervisory Agency and Financial Institution (Bapepam-LK), Isa Rahmatarwata, said the authority was at INTRAC. "So, you should refer to the description of Mr. Yunus Husein," said Isa on Wednesday.
According to him, the Insurance Bureau of Bapepam-LK is not authorized to trace the flow of Malinda account at the insurance company. Even if there are reports of suspicious transactions, the information will be delivered INTRAC.
Smooth action was not separated from Malinda identity card number. According INTRAC, a former Citibank manager that has four ID Card (KTP). "This information was obtained from eight banks and two insurance companies," said Yunus. "[All] ID remains in the name of Malinda." He said the lack of regulations in Indonesia singles ID facilitate the action of the perpetrators of money laundering. "Actors can make a number of identity cards," he said.
Yunus also said, an indication of money laundering terendus 28 Malinda account. Of the account, advances for purchase transactions found four of his luxury car.
While the two accounts of insurance, in the form of unit-linked insurance. This insurance is a combination of investment and life insurance. "So do not be surprised if the insurance can be used money laundering," said Yunus.
While the two accounts of insurance, in the form of unit-linked insurance. This insurance is a combination of investment and life insurance. "So do not be surprised if the insurance can be used money laundering," said Yunus.
Former Officials
INTRAC claimed to have seen Malinda Dee linkages with the Vice Governor of the National Resilience Institute, Rio Chance Thalieb, which is widely touted. However, INTRAC sniff it another name. "What is certain is that the former officials," said Yunus. "And already I report to the Criminal Investigation [Criminal Investigation Bureau]." Unfortunately, Jonah was reluctant to mention the name of the former officials. Yunus is also reluctant to 'leak' institution where the former was never served.
Director II Special Economic Criminal Investigation, Police Brigadier General Ariel Sulistio, denied the information. According to Arief, to mention the identity of the former official, delivered straight INTRAC better. "Ask Mr. Yunus same course," said Arief in a text message received
Rio Partly name appears as the police claimed Malinda using PT Sarwahita accounts for laundering the proceeds of crime. On August 13, 2009, Malinda 2 billion money transfer to the customer's account Sarwahita in PT Bank Mega. Malinda was taking the money and leaving Rp 2,5 million. The last transaction on 25 April 2010. Arief said the three-star general that the Air Force has had 6,000 shares of PT Sarwahita Global Management. Ownership of 6,000 shares of PT Sarwahita was stated in the deed number 01 dated August 12, 2010 of the General Meeting of Shareholders approved the sale of shares owned by Reniwati and Malinda Dee. Arief said, Rio bought 2,000 shares of Malinda Dee, Hamid Reniwati 2,000 shares, and 2,000 shares Timora Gesang. "With the sale of these shares, the brother of Rio Cloudy Thalieb as the holder of 6,000 shares of the company since September 3, 2010," Arief said.
Rio Partly name appears as the police claimed Malinda using PT Sarwahita accounts for laundering the proceeds of crime. On August 13, 2009, Malinda 2 billion money transfer to the customer's account Sarwahita in PT Bank Mega. Malinda was taking the money and leaving Rp 2,5 million. The last transaction on 25 April 2010. Arief said the three-star general that the Air Force has had 6,000 shares of PT Sarwahita Global Management. Ownership of 6,000 shares of PT Sarwahita was stated in the deed number 01 dated August 12, 2010 of the General Meeting of Shareholders approved the sale of shares owned by Reniwati and Malinda Dee. Arief said, Rio bought 2,000 shares of Malinda Dee, Hamid Reniwati 2,000 shares, and 2,000 shares Timora Gesang. "With the sale of these shares, the brother of Rio Cloudy Thalieb as the holder of 6,000 shares of the company since September 3, 2010," Arief said.
By deed number 14 dated October 12, 2010, Rio Cloudy releasing 4,000 shares to Andrea Peresthu and Reniwati Hamid. However, the position of the Rio is still serving as Commissioner. In deed, it is also listed Malinda bought back 2,000 shares Sarwahita and became commissioner.
However, Arief said Rio unrelated embezzlement activities undertaken Malinda. Because, Malinda transferring funds to the accounts of Citibank customers Sarwahita in PT Bank Mega on August 13, 2009. At that time, Rio has not entered into Sarwahita. Last week, Rio denied knowing Malinda Dee. "Personally I do not know. I know he joined the board earlier [in October 2010]," said Rio in House Defense, last Friday. Rio also denied having any business activity in PT Sarwahita. "In this case I gave just thinking," he said. "I do not do business, that business is doing its CEO."
Alwisol. 2010. Psikologi Kepribadian. Malang: UMM Press
Hadi, Mas’ul. 2011. Makalah: Korupsi Dalam Berbagai Pendekatan. Surabaya: IAIN Sunan Ampel (diakses tanggal 13 April 2013) (diakses tanggal 13 April 2013) (diakses tanggal 14 April 2013) (Diakses 15 April 2013)
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