Senin, 15 April 2013

leadership_miladdiniah R (11410052)

A. Understanding the psychology of leadership
According to Young (in Kartono, 2003) definition of leadership is a form of domination based on the personal skills that could encourage or incite others to do something that is based on acceptance by the group, and has special expertise appropriate for the specific situation.
Moejiono (2002) view that leadership is actually as a result of the influence of one-way, because the leader may have certain qualities that distinguish themselves with followers. The theorists voluntary (compliance induction theorist) tend to see leadership as an imposition or a crowding-out effect indirectly and as a means to form groups according to the wishes of the leader (Moejiono, 2002).

Leadership is a process that gives meaning (meaningful leadership) and produced in cooperation with the willingness to take the lead in achieving goals (Jacobs & Jacques).
Leadership is a process of building a sense of what is done with such a way that people understand what they do and are responsible (Drath&Palus, 1994).
Leadership deals with members who have the distinctiveness of a group that can be positively differentiated from other members both in attitudes, personal characteristics, thoughts, or the structure of the group (Watkins, 1992).
Leadership is an initiative to bertidak that produces a consistent pattern in order to find the solution of a problem with (K. Hemphill).
B. Understanding of leadership in Islam
Leadership is mentioned in the Qur'an with the terms of the Imamah , the leader in terms of priests. Al-Qur'an linking leadership with guidance and giving instructions to the truth. A leader should not do injustice, and never do injustice in all levels of tyranny: the tyranny of knowledge and deeds, injustice in decision-making and its application
that is : O you who have believed, do not take the Jews and the Christians as allies. They are [in fact] allies of one another. And whoever is an ally to them among you - then indeed, he is [one] of them. Indeed, Allah guides not the wrongdoing people.

C. Articles about leadership
Ahok: "The state is Broken Because Mixing Religion and Politics" - For the Deputy Governor of DKI TjahajaBasukiPurnama, the political world is full of hypocrisy. Many officials who claim to moral, but the reality speaks otherwise. He was upset and meluapkannya in front of the doctor.
Ahok spoke in front of about 70 doctors in the Greater Jakarta Jakarta seminar on Healthy RS Card Husada, JlManggaBesar, Jakarta, Tuesday (02/19/2013). Initially, a former member of the House was talking about the importance of KJS. Ahok also told his experience in cases of poor patient health. Not to forget, the principle in life too he says.
"For me the important life we please. Once there experiences in the Pacific Islands there are people who have not been cured and left to go home the same family died, I was angry at his family, why go home? She was crying, I was earning $ 1 million, for my father waiting for Rp 1.5 million. From there I think all health centers should be hospitalized, "said Ahok.
"The important thing is that three things, stomach, brain the same wallet," said Ahok.
Well, when the question and answer session, there was a questioning three principles. According to doctors Imam of RS PondokLabu, in addition to the three mentioned, there is also an important moral factors.
"I do not agree with the three principles of the Father, because morality is also important. The government should also think about the morality of the people, "said the doctor.
Responding physicians Imam, Ahok immediately thought of political experience over the last 10 years. With the high notes, he argued that morality sometimes no longer a reference in the world. Because, at this time officials largely hypocritical.
"The damage is clearly not a matter of political morality, the country is broken because the mixing of religion and politics. We can argue beyond that, a lot of hypocrites, there is no official dared to report their wealth and the taxes it pays, no one dared to Pak, hypocrite! "Cried Ahok with high
How Ahok? "I dare sir, I check first. I say in Parliament first, check me first, "said the former member of Parliament from Golkar.
Therefore, Ahok not want to talk about religion in politics. He prefers to do good for others.
"I've full 10 years in politics, I even had enough politics, so I've had enough of talk about religion and morals, we prove it works now," beberAhok smile as he greeted the doctors.
"People say I am arrogant, indeed arrogant, because this country can not lead well should be invited to fight," he continued. (Mad / NRL / AFP)

D. analysis
According to Young (in Kartono, 2003) definition of leadership is a form of domination based on the personal skills that could encourage or incite others to do something that is based on acceptance by the group, and has special expertise appropriate for the specific situation. sedangakan in Islam we should choose leaders appropriate to the religion that we profess Islam, what if we chose from non-Islamic goloingan then we include that person in the Jakarta gubernatorial election, it can be seen by many people mukmim believe ahok as lieutenant governor under the moral ahok leaders and this country is broken because mencapur confused between politics and religion. can be concluded that ahok invites the citizens to believe in himself with activities - activities that are good and positive, which makes the Islamic community also supports

E. Reference

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